Adventure Land Coding Guide

General hints

The offical docs can be found at, however these are often light on documentation and context.

It’s highly recommended to look through runner.js on the GitHub documentation as this is often an easier way to find out how to do a certain thing.


Many actions require interactive with your inventory. This is typically done using the index of character.items[]. Empty inventory slots will contain null.

		"q": 152,
		"name": "hpot0",
		"gift": 1
		"q": 1,
		"name": "cscroll1"
		"name": "hpamulet",
		"level": 0

You can also determine the inventory slot by inspecting your Inventory (Press i).

Inventory slots start at index 0 (top-left position) and moves left-to-right, top-to-bottom:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 34
35 36 37 38 39 40 41

How do I…


attack(get_nearest_monster())  // Attack the nearest monster

Note: Target must be an entity object (from parent.entities), not a string.


// Move directly to position (may be blocked by walls)
move(x, y)
move(0, 0)  // Move towards center of the map
move(character.x, character.y)  // Stop moving (move to current position)

// Move with pathfinding
smart_move('exchange')  // Move to a named location
smart_move('winterland')  // Move to Winter map
smart_move('goo')  // Move to a random location with this monster type
smart_move({x: 0, y: 0, map: 'main'})  // Move to center of main map

location may be a well known location ("upgrade", "exchange", "potions", "scrolls"), map (e.g "winterland") or NPC name (e.g. "lotterylady").

Use a potion

use_skill('use_hp')  // Use a HP potion
use_skill('use_mp')  // Use a MP potion

Note: These skills fall back to "regen_hp"/"regen_mp" if no potions are available.

Use an item

consume(0);  // Consume item in first inventory position (e.g. HP potion)

Use a skill

use_skill(name, target_or_name=null, extra_arg=null)
use_skill('regen_hp')  // Use Regenerate HP

Equip an item

equip(inventory_index, slot_index=null)
equip(2)  // Equip the item in the third slot (e.g. Amulet of HP)

Transfer items

send_item(character_name, inventory_index, quantity=1)
send_item('LigLarg', 0, 5)  // Give 5 of the first item to LigLarg

Note: You must be near the other character to send items.

Upgrade an item

upgrade(inventory_index, scroll_index, offering_index=null)
upgrade(2, 3)  // Upgrade the third item, using the fourth item (scroll)

Compound an item

compound(inventory_index1, index2, index3, scroll_index, offering_index=null)
compound(2, 3, 4, 5)  // Compound the third, fourth and fifth item, using the sixth item (cscroll)

Use a door

transport(map, spawn_index=0)
transport('bank', 0)  // Enter the bank from "main"
transport('main', 3)  // Exit the bank back to "main"

Note: You must be in range of the door to use it.

Doors are the mechanism for moving between maps. All the doors on a map can be found in the G.maps[name].doors array.

	"doors": [
		[x, y, width, height, dest_map, dest_spawn_index, spawn_index, ],

dest_spawn_index is the index of G.maps[dest_map].spawns[] of the exit point for this door.

However it is often easier to use G.maps[origin_map].doors[i][5] to find this index:

Change server

The server you are connected to is controlled by the page URL. For example:

Corresponds to character LigLig in region US on server III.

change_server(region, name)
change_server('EU', 'I')  // Change to Europas I
change_server('US', 'PVP')  // Change to Americas PVP

Open/Close a merchant stand?

This does not appear to be exposed in runners.js however, it’s available via parent.

parent.open_merchant(41)  // Open merchant stand in inventory slot #41
parent.close_merchant()  // Close merchant stand